How to Can

These resources can help you grasp the canning process.



Canner Parts

Templeton’s sells the following replacement parts for the Model 600 Ives-Way canner.


Items in bold are pictured in the diagram.

 13131  Second Seaming Roller
 13132  First Seaming Roller
 13138  Seaming Roller Screw
 13139  Crank Screw
 13146  Clamp Screw
 13147  Chuck Screw
 13160  Crank
 13167  Turntable Spring
 13168  Lever Pivot
 13169  Adjustable Thumb Screw
 13174  Gauge Wires
 13383  Turntable
 13389  Lever
 13390  Seaming Roller Spring
 16484  Pin
 8102A  Turntable Extension
 A3152  Chuck 211
 A3171  Medium Spacer 5/16"
 B3152  Chuck 307
 B3171  Thick Spacer 13/16"
 C3152  Chuck 401
 C3171  1/4" Spacer
 D3152  Chuck 404
 D3164  Thin Spacer
 E3152  Chuck 303
 F3152  Chuck 300
 R3163  Right or Left 3-Hole Nut
 S3152  Chuck 301
image description

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